This Big Data and Hadoop course syllabus gives you an idea of all the incredible topics we offer for students to learn under the Big Data Hadoop Course. This course syllabus is carefully curated by our experts from the IT industry keeping in mind the current trends in the IT sector. This makes the syllabus completely modern and reliable, starting from concepts like Hadoop Cluster, Master Nodes to Kafka and Scala. Which is why, our Big Data and Hadoop Training will make you learn the subject better than ever.
Big Data and Hadoop Course Syllabus
2 Months
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Big Data and Hadoop Course Syllabus
Big Data : Introduction
❖ What is Big Data
❖ Evolution of Big Data
❖ Benefits of Big Data
❖ Operational vs Analytical Big Data
❖ Need for Big Data Analytics
❖ Big Data Challenges
Hadoop cluster
❖ Master Nodes
❖ Name Node
❖ Secondary Name Node
❖ Job Tracker
❖ Client Nodes
❖ Slaves
❖ Hadoop configuration
❖ Setting up a Hadoop cluster
❖ Introduction to HDFS
❖ HDFS Features
❖ HDFS Architecture
❖ Blocks
❖ Goals of HDFS
❖ The Name node & Data Node
❖ Secondary Name node
❖ The Job Tracker
❖ The Process of a File Read
❖ How does a File Write work
❖ Data Replication
❖ Rack Awareness
❖ HDFS Federation
❖ Configuring HDFS
❖ HDFS Web Interface
❖ Fault tolerance
❖ Name node failure management
❖ Access HDFS from Java
❖ Introduction to Yarn
❖ Why Yarn
❖ Classic MapReduce v/s Yarn
❖ Advantages of Yarn
❖ Yarn Architecture
❖ Resource Manager
❖ Node Manager
❖ Application Master
❖ Application submission in YARN
❖ Node Manager containers
❖ Resource Manager components
❖ Yarn applications
❖ Scheduling in Yarn
❖ Fair Scheduler
❖ Capacity Scheduler
❖ Fault tolerance
❖ What is MapReduce
❖ Why MapReduce
❖ How MapReduce works
❖ Difference between Hadoop 1 & Hadoop 2
❖ Identity mapper & reducer
❖ Data flow in MapReduce
❖ Input Splits
❖ Relation Between Input Splits and HDFS Blocks
❖ Flow of Job Submission in MapReduce
❖ Job submission & Monitoring
❖ MapReduce algorithms
❖ Sorting
❖ Searching
❖ Indexing
Hadoop Fundamentals
❖ What is Hadoop
❖ History of Hadoop
❖ Hadoop Architecture
❖ Hadoop Ecosystem Components
❖ How does Hadoop work
❖ Why Hadoop & Big Data
❖ Hadoop Cluster introduction
❖ Cluster Modes
❖ Standalone
❖ Pseudo-distributed
❖ Fully – distributed
❖ HDFS Overview
❖ Introduction to MapReduce
❖ Hadoop in demand
HDFS Operations
❖ Starting HDFS
❖ Listing files in HDFS
❖ Writing a file into HDFS
❖ Reading data from HDFS
❖ Shutting down HDFS
HDFS Command Reference
❖ Listing contents of directory
❖ Displaying and printing disk usage
❖ Moving files & directories
❖ Copying files and directories
❖ Displaying file contents
Java Overview For Hadoop
❖ Object oriented concepts
❖ Variables and Data types
❖ Static data type
❖ Primitive data types
❖ Objects & Classes
❖ Java Operators
❖ Method and its types
❖ Constructors
❖ Conditional statements
❖ Looping in Java
❖ Access Modifiers
❖ Inheritance
❖ Polymorphism
❖ Method overloading & overriding
❖ Interfaces
MapReduce Programming
❖ Hadoop data types
❖ The Mapper Class
❖ Map method
❖ The Reducer Class
❖ Shuffle Phase
❖ Sort Phase
❖ Secondary Sort
❖ Reduce Phase
❖ The Job class
❖ Job class constructor
❖ Job Context interface
❖ Combiner Class
❖ How Combiner works
❖ Record Reader
❖ Map Phase
❖ Combiner Phase
❖ Reducer Phase
❖ Record Writer
❖ Partitioners
❖ Input Data
❖ Map Tasks
❖ Partitioner Task
❖ Reduce Task
❖ Compilation & Execution
Hadoop Ecosystems Pig
❖ What is Apache Pig?
❖ Why Apache Pig?
❖ Pig features
❖ Where should Pig be used
❖ Where not to use Pig
❖ The Pig Architecture
❖ Pig components
❖ Pig v/s MapReduce
❖ Pig v/s SQL
❖ Pig v/s Hive
❖ Pig Installation
❖ Pig Execution Modes & Mechanisms
❖ Grunt Shell Commands
❖ Pig Latin – Data Model
❖ Pig Latin Statements
❖ Pig data types
❖ Pig Latin operators
❖ Case Sensitivity
❖ Grouping & Co Grouping in Pig Latin
❖ Sorting & Filtering
❖ Joins in Pig latin
❖ Built-in Function
❖ Writing UDFs
❖ Macros in Pig
❖ What is HBase
❖ History Of HBase
❖ The NoSQL Scenario
❖ HBase & HDFS
❖ Physical Storage
❖ HBase v/s RDBMS
❖ Features of HBase
❖ HBase Data model
❖ Master server
❖ Region servers & Regions
❖ HBase Shell
❖ Create table and column family
❖ The HBase Client API
❖ Introduction to Apache Spark
❖ Features of Spark
❖ Spark built on Hadoop
❖ Components of Spark
❖ Resilient Distributed Datasets
❖ Data Sharing using Spark RDD
❖ Iterative Operations on Spark RDD
❖ Interactive Operations on Spark RDD
❖ Spark shell
❖ RDD transformations
❖ Actions
❖ Programming with RDD
❖ Start Shell
❖ Create RDD
❖ Execute Transformations
❖ Caching Transformations
❖ Applying Action
❖ Checking output
❖ GraphX overview
❖ Introducing Cloudera Impala
❖ Impala Benefits
❖ Features of Impala
❖ Relational databases vs Impala
❖ How Impala works
❖ Architecture of Impala
❖ Components of the Impala
❖ The Impala Daemon
❖ The Impala Statestore
❖ The Impala Catalog Service
❖ Query Processing Interfaces
❖ Impala Shell Command Reference
❖ Impala Data Types
❖ Creating & deleting databases and tables
❖ Inserting & overwriting table data
❖ Record Fetching and ordering
❖ Grouping records
❖ Using the Union clause
❖ Working of Impala with Hive
❖ Impala v/s Hive v/s HBase
MongoDB Overview
❖ Introduction to MongoDB
❖ MongoDB v/s RDBMS
❖ Why & Where to use MongoDB
❖ Databases & Collections
❖ Inserting & querying documents
❖ Schema Design
❖ CRUD Operations
Oozie & Hue Overview
❖ Introduction to Apache Oozie
❖ Oozie Workflow
❖ Oozie Coordinators
❖ Property File
❖ Oozie Bundle system
❖ CLI and extensions
❖ Overview of Hue
❖ What is Hive?
❖ Features of Hive
❖ The Hive Architecture
❖ Components of Hive
❖ Installation & configuration
❖ Primitive types
❖ Complex types
❖ Built in functions
❖ Hive UDFs
❖ Views & Indexes
❖ Hive Data Models
❖ Hive vs Pig
❖ Co-groups
❖ Importing data
❖ Hive DDL statements
❖ Hive Query Language
❖ Data types & Operators
❖ Type conversions
❖ Joins
❖ Sorting & controlling data flow
❖ local vs mapreduce mode
❖ Partitions
❖ Buckets
❖ Introducing Sqoop
❖ Scoop installation
❖ Working of Sqoop
❖ Understanding connectors
❖ Importing data from MySQL to Hadoop HDFS
❖ Selective imports
❖ Importing data to Hive
❖ Importing to Hbase
❖ Exporting data to MySQL from Hadoop
❖ Controlling import process
❖ What is Flume?
❖ Applications of Flume
❖ Advantages of Flume
❖ Flume architecture
❖ Data flow in Flume
❖ Flume features
❖ Flume Event
❖ Flume Agent
❖ Sources
❖ Channels
❖ Sinks
❖ Log Data in Flume
Zookeeper Overview
❖ Zookeeper Introduction
❖ Distributed Application
❖ Benefits of Distributed Applications
❖ Why use Zookeeper
❖ Zookeeper Architecture
❖ Hierarchial Namespace
❖ Znodes
❖ Stat structure of a Znode
❖ Electing a leader
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Hands On Training
3-5 Real Time Projects
60-100 Practical Assignments
3+ Assessments / Mock Interviews
February 2025
Week days
2 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training
1 Hour Aptitude
1 Hour Communication & Soft Skills
(Suitable for Fresh Jobseekers / Non IT to IT transition)
February 2025
Week ends
4 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training
(Suitable for working IT Professionals)
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