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Top 15 Data Science with R Interview Questions and Answers
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Top 15 Data Science with R Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: May 31, 2024

Data Science with R Interview Questions and Answers

For creating statistical software and conducting data analysis, statisticians and data miners frequently utilize the computer language R. Data Science with R Interview Questions and Answers are provided here in this article, with an emphasis on R programming questions that may come up during a data science job interview.

Data Science with R Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. What is the R programming language?

R is a popular open-source programming language for handling data and performing statistical analysis. It runs on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, and is well-known for its command-line interface. R is regarded as a state-of-the-art tool in statistics and data analysis.

2. What role does R play in machine learning and data analysis?

R is a popular open-source statistical computing and graphics program used for statistical modeling, data analysis, and new fields like machine learning. It is well-known for having an extensive library of packages designed to handle a variety of data-related tasks.

3. Describe the idea of R’s time series analysis.

Time series analysis in R entails manipulating and analyzing time series data using functions and packages like ts(), deconstruct(), and forecast(). To better comprehend the trends and patterns in the data, time series analysis in R frequently includes plotting and graphing the data.

4. Which data types are available in R?

As it is a dynamic programming language, R converts types according to context. The supported data types are shown below.

Basic Data Types in R

  • Integers: Whole numbers (int) are integers.
  • Numeric double: double-digit numbers that are real.
  • Complex: Real and imaginary numbers are referred to as complex numbers.
  • Character (string): quoted text.
  • Logical: For boolean operations, logical (bool): TRUE or FALSE is utilized.

5. What does R’s apply() family of functions accomplish?

An effective tool for vectorized operations in R is the apply() family of functions. These functions are renowned for their clarity and capacity to carry out intricate operations without the need for explicit iteration. When it comes to filtering, summarizing, and working with non-rectangular data structures, they are invaluable.

6. What are the types of ‘apply()’ functions?

Vectorized functions: Functions that act independently on each member of a vector are known as vectorized functions. They can be computed without requiring any particular order or other entries in the vector. By nature, a substantial number of basic R functions are vectorized. Generally speaking, vectorized functions are made to be fast, especially when applied to huge vectors.

Non-vectorized functions: To compute such functions, an explicit iteration over an object’s members is necessary. Both in terms of programming and computational performance, this can be difficult.

7. What are the four primaries in the apply() family?

apply(): principal function for applying another function to an array’s margins or to a matrix’s rows or columns. Although it can handle a wider range of data formats and is more adaptable, it isn’t necessarily the fastest choice. 

lapply(): Short for “list apply,” lapply() is a function that works with lists. After applying the specified function to each element of the list, lapply() will return a list. 

sapply(): Short for “simplify apply,” sapply() is a lapply() addition that aims to condense the output into a more manageable format (such as a vector or matrix). Among the most frequently used functions in the apply family, it is quite efficient. 

vapply(): A refined, more focused variant of sapply() that lets the user specify the function’s output type. 

8. What are the various R control structures and how are they applied?

R provides a variety of control structures that you can utilize to manage the way your code is executed. Among these control frameworks are:

If statements: They are used to only run a specific code block when a predetermined condition is satisfied.

For loops: A code block can be repeated a predetermined number of times using for loops.

While loops: Loops that repeat a piece of code while a particular condition holds true are called while loops.

Repeat loops: While loops and repeat loops are similar in that they both lack a stopping condition, meaning that they will keep repeating the code until they are explicitly halted. 

Data Science with R Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

9. What does object-oriented programming in R mean?

  • “Objects” are self-contained units of data and functionality that are at the center of the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. 
  • User-defined classes serve as templates in object-oriented programming (OOP) that specify the attributes and behaviors of objects.
  • The S3 and S4 classes in R are used to implement OOP. The most basic and widely used R classes are called S3 classes, and they are made up of several methods and attributes that specify the properties and actions of the object. 
  • In contrast, S4 classes offer greater control over inheritance and object behavior due to their increased complexity.
  • R’s OOP framework facilitates the development of more structured and modular code while enabling the repurposing and expansion of pre-existing classes and objects. 
  • Additionally, it makes polymorphism possible, which makes code more dynamic and adaptable by allowing objects of different types to be treated similarly.

10. Give an example of control structures in R.

An example of a basic function that accepts a numeric vector as input and outputs the sum of its members is shown here:

# Define the function

sum_vector <- function(x) {

  # Calculate the sum of the vector elements

  sum_x <- sum(x) 

  # Return the sum



# Call the function with a sample vector

v = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


11. Describe the concept of R’s exception handling.

The process of identifying and resolving any problems or exceptions that can arise during the execution of an R script is known as exception handling in R. This is necessary to make sure that an unforeseen error or exception doesn’t cause the script to crash or terminate.

Using the try-catch () function, which accepts a code block as its first parameter, and one or more error-handling methods, we can manage exceptions in R. When an error or exception arises inside the code block, these error-handling routines are called, giving us the ability to respond to the mistake in a particular way.

12. Provide code to implement a try-catch function in R.

# Define a function that throws an error

my_function <- function(x) {

  if (x < 0) {

    stop(“Error: x cannot be negative”)

  } else {




# Call the function with valid input

result1 <- tryCatch({


}, error = function(e) {

  print(paste(“Caught an exception:”, e$message))


# Print the result


# Call the function with invalid input

result2 <- tryCatch({


}, error = function(e) {

  print(paste(“Caught an exception:”, e$message))


# Print the result


We define a function called my_function() in this example, which accepts a single argument called x. The function uses the halt() function to generate an error if x is negative. If not, the square root of x is returned.

Next, we execute two calls to my_function(), the first with the legal input of 25 and the second with the faulty input of -10. We enclose the function in each scenario.

13. Provide an example code for visualizing data with R and ggplot2

# Load required package


# Create a sample dataframe

data <- data.frame(

  x = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),

  y = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)


# Create a scatterplot using ggplot2

ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y)) +

  geom_point(color = “blue”) +

  geom_smooth(method = “lm”, se = FALSE) +

  labs(title = “Simple Scatterplot”, x = “X Axis”, y = “Y Axis”) +


14. In R, what is the process for installing and loading packages?

If you have the devtools package installed on your computer, you can install and manage packages in R via GitHub or CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network). 

Installing Packages from CRAN

Installing packages from CRAN can be done via an R script, RStudio, or the R console.

To install dplyr from its URL, we demonstrate the single command here.

install.packages(“”, repos = NULL, type = “source”)

Quick Package Loading

Before using the capabilities it contains, a package must be loaded after installation. There is an option for both automatic and manual loading.

Automatic Loading

If you choose automatic loading, the package loads when R starts up or when a new R session starts. The.Rprofile or files located in the R starting directory are used to achieve automatic loading.

Automatic loading occasionally causes conflicts between package functions, which obscures the code and results in strange behavior. It’s best to load packages manually into your code when working in a collaborative environment to avoid these problems.

Manual Loading

You can use the library() or require() functions to manually load a package. These functions load the specified package.

library(devtools)  # Load the devtools package

library(dplyr)     # Load dplyr

15. In R, how are missing values handled?

In machine learning, handling missing values is an essential preprocessing step. R provides many methods for locating and working with missing value data.

Finding the Missing Values

The default indicator for missing values in R is NA. To find and get rid of them, use the functions and na.omit():

Example Code: Identify and Omit Missing Values

# Sample vector with missing values

data <- c(1, 2, NA, 4, 5)

# Check for missing values

# will return a logical vector


# Remove missing values

# na.omit(data) returns a filtered version of the vector



We hope this collection of data science with R interview questions and answers provided here will be useful to you. Get started with our data science with R training in Chennai for a promising career in data science.

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