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Top 20 Power BI Interview Questions and Answers
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Top 20 Power BI Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: June 21, 2024

Top 20 Power BI Interview Questions and Answers

The need for experts who know how to use this instrument has risen dramatically in recent years. This article on Power BI Interview Questions intends to help you become ready for employment connected to Power BI in well-known companies that pay well.

Power BI Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. What is Power BI?

Microsoft developed Power BI to integrate several data visualization features. Power BI is the new term for the data-driven industry, which implies it has a bright future. It is comprised of three key components, such as Power BI services, Power BI desktop, and the Power BI mobile app.

2. Define Power BI Desktop

Power BI desktop is used to create complex queries, models, and reports. Power BI Desktop combines Power Query, Power View, and Power Pivot into a single tool.

3. Describe the Power BI Mobile App

Power BI is used for phones running Android, iOS, and Windows. It effortlessly provides an interactive presentation of the site’s dashboards on various operating systems. 

4. In Power BI, where is the data stored?

Power BI mostly stores data from two sources:

  • All of the system data and metadata are stored in the Azure SQL Database.
  • Users’ uploaded data is kept in Azure Blob Storage.

They are stored in fact tables or dimensional tables, respectively.

5. Describe the Power BI filled map.

Both chart maps and filled maps are included in Power BI. Instead of only presenting points on a map, a full map will display data points on geographical areas. It can be much harder to work with a filled map than it is with a chart map.

6. How do you create a group in Power BI?

The fields you want to group must first be selected, after which you must right-click the field to reveal the context menu. When you select the Group option from the menu, Power BI will automatically group these objects.

7. What are the most popular methods for data shaping?

The most popular methods for data shaping are:

Adding Indexes, Adding Columns and Rows, Applying for a Sort Order

8. What is Power BI’s M language?

Power BI Query Editor uses the query language formula M. Before importing data into the Power BI model, it aids in preparation. Data mash-up from one supported source to another is the primary purpose of Power Query. The Power Query M Formula Language is used to express these data mashups.

9. What is the maximum amount of data that a client can have in Power BI’s free version?

Users of the free Power BI version receive 10 GB of cloud storage space for Power BI reports. In the cloud, reports can only be up to 1 GB in size.

10. Can you use Power Query/Query Editor with SQL?

Yes, by designating a SQL statement as the source of a Power Query/Query Editor function, SQL and Power Query/Query Editor can be utilized together. 

11. Is Power BI accessible on-premises?

No. Power BI is not a private cloud service that can be used on-premises. But Power BI and Power BI Desktop let you safely link your on-premises data sources.

Power BI Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

12. How would you evaluate Power BI as an appropriate solution for Business Analytics?

  • Power BI is an effective tool for business analysis that gathers data from various sources to produce insightful reports. 
  • Any source, including hybrid data warehouses and Microsoft Excel, can yield this data. 
  • Power BI’s dynamic graphical user interface and visuals enable a high level of utility and purpose. 
  • The Excel BI tools allow you to generate reports that you can then upload to the cloud and share with your coworkers.

13. What are custom visualizations in Power BI?

  • Users of Power BI Pro can utilize the custom visualization library to build their personalized visualizations. 
  • The visual must first be built as a development project before it can be tested in Power BI services. 
  • The custom visualization is thoroughly tested before being posted as soon as it is finished. Before sharing, it is stored as a .pbiviz file.

14. What are the important components of Power BI?

The following are the major components of Power BI:

Power Query: You can extract data from various databases and delete a portion of data from numerous sources using Power Query.

Power Pivot: Power Pivot is a data modeling engine that carries out calculations using the functional language Data Analysis Expression (DAX).

Power View: The view offers an interactive presentation of different data sources to extract metadata for appropriate data analysis.

Power Map: It offers 3D geospatial data visualization.

Power Q&A: It is used for natural language queries and responses.

15. What is Self-Service BI?

Self-service Business intelligence, often known as SSBI, is a technique for data analytics, reporting, and visualization that enables users to create actionable dashboards practically immediately.

  • The fact that users of SSBI are not required to be technical experts when it comes to data reporting is its most noticeable characteristic. 
  • They can modify the data to suit their business requirements by using the available filters and data manipulation capabilities, and they can then produce reports. 

Microsoft SSBI has two components:

  • Excel BI toolkit
  • Power BI

16. List the versions of Power BI.

There are currently three versions of Power BI:

Microsoft Power BI Free/Desktop: This edition is designed for people who want to use visuals to gain business insights from their data.

The whole version of Power BI is Microsoft Power BI Pro. Users are given limitless reporting, sharing, and report-watching options.

All users inside an organization will have access to a license thanks to Microsoft Power BI Premium.

17. What different refresh options are there?

In Power BI, there are four primary refresh modes available:

Package/OneDrive Refresh: It synchronizes an Excel file or Power BI desktop between OneDrive and the Power BI service.

Data/Model Refresh: Refreshing data or models entails planning the data import from all sources based on a predetermined timetable or on-demand.

Tile Refresh: Refresh the dashboard tiles each time the data changes by performing a tile refresh.

Visual Container Refresh: When the data changes, update the visuals and visual container in the reports.

18. What sets Power BI apart from other BI applications?

  • Comparing Power BI to other BI solutions like Tableau, the functionalities and data manipulation tools are better. 
  • Without any coding or data analytics knowledge, one user can connect to numerous data sources. 
  • Power BI is tightly connected with other Microsoft products, including Office 365, SharePoint, and Bing.
  • The user can examine datasets with up to 1 GB of storage and 10,000 rows of data streaming every hour with the free version of Power BI Desktop. 
  • Additionally, it offers tools like Power Query, which enables users to quickly visualize datasets by issuing commands in everyday English.

19. What are the building blocks of Power BI?

Here are the components of Power BI:

Visualizations: These are visual depictions (line graphs, donut charts, pie graphs, bar graphs, and maps) of the unprocessed data that have been gathered from various data sources.

Datasets: Power BI leverages collections of data to produce visualizations and reports. Power BI supports a variety of dataset types, including Excel sheets, CSV files, Oracle tables, etc.

Power BI Reports: They are collections of visualizations that can be displayed on a single page or numerous pages. 

Dashboards: They are single-layer displays that include one or more embedded visuals on a single page. 

Tiles: A dashboard’s or report’s visuals are called tiles. For instance, a single tile in Power BI represents a pie chart, line graph, or any other type of visualization.

20. What is the DAX? What advantages do variables have in DAX?

A data analysis expression, or DAX, can be used to query a table expression and return data. The data in Power Pivot can be subjected to elementary computations and data analysis using this formula language. 

Calculated columns, calculated fields, and measures are also computed using it. Data cannot, however, be added to or changed using DAX.

Syntax of DAX

Total Sales = SUM (Sales[SalesAmount])

Where “Total Sales” denotes a measurement; “SUM” is a DAX function; and “Sales[SalesAmount]” denotes the name of the referred table and column.

DAX variables have the following advantages:
  • DAX queries can reuse variables to avoid running multiple queries against the source database.
  • DAX expressions are understandable because of variables.

21. What does Power BI’s Advanced Editor do?

The query that Power BI executes against data sources to import data can be seen using the Advanced Editor.

  • The power query formula language, M-code, is used to write the query.
  • Select Edit Queries from the Home tab in Power BI Desktop to see the query code.
  • To edit the query, select Advanced Editor from the Home or View tab. The window for the Advanced Editor opens and shows the code for the presently chosen query.
  • The steps are saved to the Applied Steps in the Query Settings after we convert our data in the Query Editor.
  • These procedures are also used with the Advanced Editor’s code.

22. What does Power BI’s z-order mean?

Z-order is a design technique for positioning images over forms. Z-order is also a method of implementation that may be used for reports that have many elements. Additionally, this can be used to reload the display once a report’s components are rearranged.


We hope that this collection of Power BI interview questions and answers will help in your interview preparation. Our Power BI training in Chennai will assist you in pursuing a career in business intelligence.

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